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How does violence in relationships arise, and what are the ways out? At ten stations, you will receive information on the topic of domestic violence.

The tour «Paths into and out of violent relationships» illustrates how violence in relationships occurs and highlights possible ways out.
The tour begins on December 7, 2024, as part of the national campaign «16 Days Against Violence» and includes ten stations. Its aim is to raise awareness about domestic violence and to sensitize the community to this issue.

What can you expect?

At the ten stations of the tour, you will find information, audio, and video content about various aspects of violent relationships. Each station sheds light on a potential path into and out of a violent relationship. You will learn how violence can arise, how those affected can find support and a way out, and how the surrounding environment can actively help.

The various stations will be accessible both physically and digitally from December 7, 2024. All stations can be experienced at your own pace. The tour begins at Helvetiaplatz and leads through Thunstrasse and Muristrasse to Egelsee.

How it works

The Tour can also be accessed online on our website.

Do you have any question?

  • About accessibility?
  • About QR codes or digital access?
  • About translations?

Contact the project management team.

Digital exploration?

Start the tour right here: Station 1 «Violence concerns us all».

Overview of Stations

Bild Legende:


Bild Legende:

Weitere Informationen.

Support in the Neighborhood

Tür an Tür initiated the tour in collaboration with the project #withYou by Tech Against Violence.

Committed people from the neighborhoods in District 4 of the city of Bern are supporting this effort.
