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Violence in your neighbours' home?

Show courage, don't look away! You can do something about it.

Tür an Tür (Door to door). Neighbours together against domestic violence.

Violence in your neighbours' home?

Do you suspect violence in your neighbours' home? Obtain free and confidential advice about what you can do: Domestic Violence Assistance Service of the City of Bern (Fachstelle Häusliche Gewalt Stadt Bern): +41 31 321 63 02.

We also work with interpreters.

Find out more about the topic and about what YOU can do to combat domestic violence in your quarter. Attend a free workshop on domestic violence together with your friends, neighbours or co-workers from Bern. Further information: Workshop.

Bild Legende:


What will happen if I call the police?

What will happen if I call an advice service?

Weitere Informationen.

Violence in the family?

We can help you. Our assistance is free and confidential.

Fachstelle Häusliche Gewalt (Domestic Violence Assistance Service):

+41 31 321 63 02 (office hours)

Beratungsstelle Opferhilfe Bern (Bern Victim Support Advice Service):

+41 31 370 30 70 (office hours)

AppElle – hotline for women's shelters:

+41 31 533 03 03 (24/7)

Die Dargebotene Hand (The Helping Hand):

143 (24/7)

In an emergency

Police: 117

You have engaged in violence and want to change something?

Fachstelle Gewalt Bern (Bern service for violence-related matters):

+41 765 765 765

Programme for learning to prevent violence in marriages, families and partnerships:

+41 79 308 84 05
