Work and career
Are you looking for a job or a course in professional development? On this page you will find information about work, the job search and further opportunities for professional training and development.
Do I have the right to work with my residence permit?
- The Canton of Bern has information on this topic at
- You can find answers to the most frequently asked questions about residence permits B, C, L, F and N as well as other residence permits on the Website of the State Secretariat for Migration (EN, DE, FR, IT).
Where can I start my job search?
- For information on finding a job and working in Switzerland, visit (DE, FR, IT, RM).
Job postings are posted online in general job search engines or company websites. Here are some examples of common job portals:
City, cantonal and federal administration job portals:
Job portals of Bern’s largest companies:
Where can I find help with my job search and application?
- The Berufsberatungs- und Informationszentren of Canton Bern (BIZ-Bern) advises on jobs, education and careers. You can find more information on the BIZ-Bern website (DE, FR).
- The isa Fachstelle Migration provides information about work in several languages. You can find more information in German on the isa website.
- Bernetz is the City of Bern’s professional network for qualified migrants. You can find more information in German on the Bernetz website (DE).
- Organisations like HEKS Brot für alle (HEKS) and cfd offer programmes to help qualified migrants in professional networking and finding a job. You can find more information on the HEKS website and the cfd website (DE).
- The University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland’s Career Services has a series of video tutorials about the job search and application process.
- The Schweizerisches Arbeiterhilfswerk (SAH) runs courses in cleaning and retail. Here you can gain theoretical knowledge and practical experience, and learn German specific to the job. You can also get information about working in Switzerland and help with finding a job. Find out more on the FOKUS specialised courses website (DE).
Who can help me understand documents and write a CV?
- Have you received a document that you don't understand? The Caritas writing centre offers support. The staff can also help you with writing job applications. The service is free of charge. Find more information on the Caritas website (DE, FR).
- The TRiiO advice centre can help you put together a job application. It also offers advice on many topics. It runs courses and workshops on applying for a job. Find more information on the TRiiO advice centre website (DE).
How can I have my foreign diploma(s) accredited in Switzerland?
- The Canton of Bern has information on this topic at
- The State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) is responsible for the recognition of foreign qualifications and diplomas. You can find more information on the SERI website (EN, DE, FR, IT).
- The organisation Swissuniversities is responsible for the recognition of foreign diplomas. You can find more information on the Swissuniversities website (EN, DE, FR, IT).
How can I start my own business?
- Information and practical tips on self-employment can be found at (DE, EN, FR, IT, RM).
- The Canton of Bern has information on this topic at
Where can I find an apprenticeship, vocational training, or continuing education?
- You can find information about vocational training, continuing education and apprenticeships at (DE, FR, IT, RM).
- You can learn more about the Swiss education system our Education and Schools page.