Since it was founded 800 years ago the city of Bern has developed into an important service centre.
Erlacherhof, seat of the City Government
© Bern Tourism
Bern is the seat of the City, Cantonal and Federal Parliaments, Governments and Public Administrations and thus plays a central role in the political life of Switzerland. It has also developed into a major tourist attraction thanks to the picturesque old town, a «UNESCO world heritage site».
Milestones in Bern’s history:
1191 Founded by the dukes of Zähringen
1353 Joins the original «Swiss Confederacy»
1848 Selected as capital of Switzerland
In the 20th century the city developed into a modern service centre, the seat of international organisations and companies
In the early 21st century several major constructions by renowned architects were built («Paul Klee Centre», «Brünnen-Westside»)