Waste Disposal and Recycling
Satisfied customers are our highest priority. So we strive to ensure first-class collection and disposal services in the City of Bern in an innovative, efficient, quality-conscious manner – every single day.
Information on «Waste Disposal and Recycling» can be found in the «Waste Management Calendar» (German) on our app Entsorgung Bern or at www.bern.ch/entsorgung (German).
Bin bags for domestic waste subject to charges and tokens for bulky refuse are available at retailers.
The locations of the two waste depots:
- Schermen, Wölflistrasse 17
- Fellerstrasse, Fellerstrasse 13a
Waste Disposal and Recycling (Entsorgung + Recycling)
Murtenstrasse 100
3001 Bern
+41 31 321 79 79
www.bern.ch/entsorgung (German)
Cleanliness hotline: 079 669 40 00
Repairing instead of throwing away: www.reparaturführer.ch (German)