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Which childcare offering is right for your child? The City of Bern provides several options for childcare outside of the family.

Would you like to arrange childcare for your child or children for certain hours or on certain days? You will find a well developed set of childcare offerings in Bern. This webpage and the pages linked to it provide detailed information about the individual types of childcare offerings, the rates and the registration process.

The column to the left lists the various childcare offerings, and there is a search tool that will help you find age-appropriate offerings in the neighbourhood of your choice. To the right you will find contact information and links to online tools for calculating the approximate costs of day care at centres for young children and centres for school age children.

Short-term Childcare

Should you need to arrange «Short-term Childcare», due to a family emergency for instance, please see our  list of short-term childcare options (in German).

kiBon – New Platform

Parents wishing to arrange childcare in a «Day Care Centre for Young Children» (Kita), or in a «Day Care Centre for School-age Children» (Tagesbetreuung Stadt Bern can submit their application for financial support online via kiBon.

Childcare Offerings


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«Day Care Centres for Young Children»: Full- and partial-day childcare for infants and young children, from the age of three months until they enter the school system.

Kitas Stadt Bern

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Along with private childcare providers, the City of Bern has municipal institution that provides day care places.


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Individually scheduled childcare for children of any age.

Day Care Centres for School Children

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«Day Care Centres for School-age Children»: Full- and partial-day childcare for school-age children until they leave the school system.


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Full-day childcare for school-age children during school holidays.

Additional Childcare Offerings

Soziokultur, the «Youth Welfare Office Unit» responsible for the City's child and youth development programs, offers additional childcare and recreational offerings. These include:

All links lead to websites in German language.

Further informations

Responsible Departments

General Information:
Familie & Quartier Stadt Bern
Tel. +41 31 321 51 15

Information about space and registration

Day Care Centres for School Children and Ferienbetreuung
Schulamt der Stadt Bern
Tel. +41 31 321 64 60

Additional Childcare Offerings
Tel. +41 31 321 60 42
