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City Authority

The city’s public administration comprises five directorates and a range of staff offices which support the city government in carrying out its duties.

The Directorates

The «Mayor’s Office» is responsible in a range of areas, and heads and coordinates the government’s political planning and overall development of city affairs.

The «Directorate of Security, the Environment and Energy» is responsible for security, protection, rescue, environmental protection, water and energy supply in the city and for informing the public in these areas.

The «Directorate of Education, Social Welfare and Sport» is in charge of kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, childcare, young people, the elderly, social welfare, integration, sport, health and addiction.

The «Directorate of Civil Engineering, Transport and Green Spaces» is responsible for civil engineering, water, traffic planning, municipal surveying, waste disposal and caring for the city’s green spaces.

The «Directorate of Finances, Personnel and IT» is principally responsible for services within the administration. It is in charge of finances, taxes, real estate belonging to the city, personnel, IT and all other property of the administration.

For further information:
City Council
Stadtverwaltung  (German)

The Staff Office

The city government is supported in its work by a staff office, the «City Chancellery». The latter organises government meetings, drawing up the agenda and writing the minutes, and preparing and communicating the decisions reached. It ensures the information flow between the government and its commissions and advises the government on legal issues. The government is also supported by the «Finance Inspectorate» and the «Information Service».

You will find detailed information on the tasks of all of the directorates and offices of the City Authority at (German).

Further informations
